My Writings
Writing is a big part of my life. This is a collection of the essays and long-form post I have throughout the years.
I also keep a separate collection of my shorter posts and fleeting thoughts - I call that my Scratchpad.
The Two Reasons I Prefer Passing Struct Pointers Around
Choosing consistency over performance.
Feedle Reached the Front Page of Hacker News!
Addressing some of people’s most common questions to us.
The Human in the Loop
Our desire for optimization and productivity drives us to abdicate effort and skill in exchange for rapidity
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I am not writing with an audience in mind, but for myself . In the end, it is better for everyone.
The Perfect Knowledge Assistant That Does Not Exist
But it totally could, if one manages to put these few points together.
How 2023 Almost Killed Our Service Murmel, but We Keep Rocking in 2024
Looking forward to a new and exciting year on the Fediverse.
Interfaces Are Not Meant for That
It’s time to ask ourselves how much abstraction in our Go code really makes sense.