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Preslav Rachev
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Personal Knowledge Management

Personal Knowledge Management is my ongoing exploration of how we think, write, and remember in our digital age. I share discoveries about tools and methods that help us build our second brain, one blog post at a time.

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I Am Moving My Obsidian Vault Away From iCloud

·1 min

I spent quite some time last Saturday morning, moving my main Obsidian vault away from iCloud. I want to make myself use Obsidian more, but syncing via iCloud has been such a pain - regularly ended up having duplicated or even lost notes in-between syncs.

Do You Use One Or Multiple Obsidian Vaults?

·2 mins

Most people using Obsidian prefer using a single vault for all their notes, according to a quick poll. This gives users more flexibility and fine-grained control in organizing their notes. A single vault also contains all of one’s notes in one place - this is especially useful for cross-linking and knowledge discovery.